Are you kidding me? I have no time for a practice! I have a job, kids, a house to take care of, meals to prepare, a lawn to cultivate, clubs I have joined, activities to drive my children to… responsibilities. The list can be endless.
When someone asked the Dalai Lama how she was suppose to find time to do a practice within the confines of her incredibly busy life, the Dalai Lama chuckled. He said he definitely has a busy life, yet he finds time for a few hours of meditation each morning (before the sun rises!) He then went on to say that, truly, we miss the point when we think of a practice as something we “fit in” to our day. We have an opportunity to practice 24-hours each day.
I find two ideas come out of the Dalai Lama’s words for me. The first, and most important, is the idea that we can always practice. We do not need separate quiet time to connect to our higher selves, to be kind to others, to choose to feel good. (Wayne Dyer always replaces “good” with “God” in that phrase. Anytime you “feel good” you are “feeling God”.) Each minute is an opportunity to be connected. How can you do it right now?
The other idea I received is that he can fit in meditation – hours of it – within the confines of the hectic schedule any head of state maintains. I think I can find at least 15 minutes for deeper focus. If I can’t, I need to have a conversation to myself around my priorities and my concept of time (a conversation I tend to have frequently! ☺ ) I do find that whenever I am more connected to my higher self, time does seem to open up as if by magic. Now that is a powerful place to be!