Monday, February 12, 2007

Anger: Changing Ourselves

One Teleclass was especially lively with a debate over whether we can ever not be angry in certain situations – situations that are particularly horrible. A few participants felt deeply that if a situation was terrible enough, it needed to change, not them. They felt they would never be able to not be angry when faced with it (and, ultimately, that they should be angry. It was their anger of the injustice that felt compassionate, if you will).

Our anger only fuels the issue, though. Answering anger with anger only builds the negativity in situation.

Truly, the only thing we can change, the only thing we can control, is ourselves; our reactions in any one moment. Imagine Gandhi in your situation. Would he be able to hold a compassionate heart? What about the Dalai Lama? If anyone can, it is possible for you. We all have the same Divine spark within us. It is not something reserved for the spiritual greats of the world. We are all spiritual greats, we just have to tap into the source within us.

Interestingly, it is often in our own transformation that we then are able to transform the situation.